Touching Paris
tirsdag den 22. november 2011
Not tired. No internet!
22:45 (no internet)
I can't sleep. I guess I just have to cross my fingers and believe in the next thing that will strike me, is fraction or the thought of the education Bachelor of Science in Prosthetics (which, btw, takes place in Jönköping, Sweden). I'd rather watch a movie, though!
fredag den 18. november 2011
The papers are here!
Just as I think Weekend will greet me as I enter my mom's house, papers from STS (my phone wanted me to write STD. Way to start a weekend!) are flashing themselves on my kitchen table. All in all it says "Welcome! Please pay 2.695 DKK". You gotta pay whatcha gotta pay. The twist is they want them within the next 8 days. And I don't have that ("Hi mom!"). I just have to call a woman named Nete, and everything should be rolling (well.. Then I have to apply again). I guess it's a bit too late now. Well, at least I have one thing to look forward to this Monday!
torsdag den 17. november 2011
Left Bank Manc- an au pair in Paris: I Will Smash Your Fucking Face In
I love this blog!
Left Bank Manc- an au pair in Paris: I Will Smash Your Fucking Face In: Argh! So consumed with anger and violence. I am worried I am a danger to myself and others. Sometimes I walk around and I'm so angry that I...
Left Bank Manc- an au pair in Paris: I Will Smash Your Fucking Face In: Argh! So consumed with anger and violence. I am worried I am a danger to myself and others. Sometimes I walk around and I'm so angry that I...
New blogs and times calls for new tongues
Hummingbirds and Pancakes --> Touching Paris
Sorry, for the cliché title. But it's true. As I suddenly remembered my old blog (this) and had a look at it, I realized that this blog still speaks for my old love. Well let's remove the pink clouds and let some life in!
I have sent my application for STS (Student Travel Schools). The name says it all. Well, they offer educational travelling such as the thing I'm going to do: Being an au pair in France. Now, you got to know that in a month or two this entire blog's concept might crash, because if I don't get the spot I have to find something else to do. Hence the crash of "Touching Paris".
I'm really looking forward to all this. If it really happens, that is.
I have been trying to get into my blogging zone all afternoon, but the last couple of days I've been so goddamn disorientated! I couldn't even find the cake department in the supermarket yesterday (which might not be such a bad thing after all)! So now, I'm sitting down, alone, at home, no tv running in the background, a glass of coke, and Bon Iver's "Holocene" floating in my big headphones. Yet, all of this dealing with my future plans is shaking me to my inner core. People have noticed I'm more in an inner peace (blah blah blah..) and I don't know if this harmonizes with my, normally, open and loud personality. Maybe I'm just finding my balance. Or maybe I'm just goddamn excited and happy. It's sort of scary in an exciting way. For once, thank god!
Sorry, for the cliché title. But it's true. As I suddenly remembered my old blog (this) and had a look at it, I realized that this blog still speaks for my old love. Well let's remove the pink clouds and let some life in!
I have sent my application for STS (Student Travel Schools). The name says it all. Well, they offer educational travelling such as the thing I'm going to do: Being an au pair in France. Now, you got to know that in a month or two this entire blog's concept might crash, because if I don't get the spot I have to find something else to do. Hence the crash of "Touching Paris".
I'm really looking forward to all this. If it really happens, that is.
I have been trying to get into my blogging zone all afternoon, but the last couple of days I've been so goddamn disorientated! I couldn't even find the cake department in the supermarket yesterday (which might not be such a bad thing after all)! So now, I'm sitting down, alone, at home, no tv running in the background, a glass of coke, and Bon Iver's "Holocene" floating in my big headphones. Yet, all of this dealing with my future plans is shaking me to my inner core. People have noticed I'm more in an inner peace (blah blah blah..) and I don't know if this harmonizes with my, normally, open and loud personality. Maybe I'm just finding my balance. Or maybe I'm just goddamn excited and happy. It's sort of scary in an exciting way. For once, thank god!
søndag den 10. oktober 2010
Av av!

Nu var det vidst også længe siden at der blev postet noget somhelst på denne side. Så i den anledning vil jeg update, informere og pladre:
Efter en fantastisk sommer med en fantastisk, fransk, flirtende, flot fyr, (det lyder jo næsten for godt til at være sandt) er han flyttet til Danmark. Og så er det kun 4 S-togsstop fra mig :) Jeg er gladere end nogensinde før, og har lidt denne her kilden i maven. Han har dansk statsborgerskab, dansk bank, dansk telefon og bor i Danmark!
Jeg føler mig så højt elsket, at jeg nu og da fælder en tåre. Hvorfor er jeg ikke helt klar over, men jeg er så glad, at jeg er ligeglad. Nej, ligeglad gør ikke aldrig glad! Jeg føler mig kønnere, bedre og festligere end nogensinde før. Desværre føler jeg mig ikke tyndere, men den kan jeg jo altid selv arbejde på.
Fransk forelsket Eide
torsdag den 20. maj 2010
Freedom '10
You keep poking and pushing my inner core
Keep joking with what to me is acute
The soul you think is still for touching
Is now somewhere else in love,
Simply with another attitude.
I find it disturbing the way you talk
In such naïve tongues and tone
Filling your mouth with a credulous taste
And I find it hard to ignore,
To refrain or to leave alone.
"We" is not us or the things in our past
The grip on my wrist calls for a cease
No last nights or looks. No kiss goodbye.
That departing taking place,
Is not needed for me to release.
I love someone in this life
Wondrous to my world and entirely new
My mind can make you non-existing if need be
I now have what I ask for
Just what this heart values.
Do you?...
Keep joking with what to me is acute
The soul you think is still for touching
Is now somewhere else in love,
Simply with another attitude.
I find it disturbing the way you talk
In such naïve tongues and tone
Filling your mouth with a credulous taste
And I find it hard to ignore,
To refrain or to leave alone.
"We" is not us or the things in our past
The grip on my wrist calls for a cease
No last nights or looks. No kiss goodbye.
That departing taking place,
Is not needed for me to release.
I love someone in this life
Wondrous to my world and entirely new
My mind can make you non-existing if need be
I now have what I ask for
Just what this heart values.
Do you?...
onsdag den 19. maj 2010
Summersick and lovedrunk = Not bad!
Så fik jeg hevet fat i nogle billeder. Bare for at pynte lidt i disse grå tider. Næh, vent nu lidt? Det var jo varmt i dag!

Jeg some troede jeg altid ville være loyal overfor musikken og festerne, har nu droppet festivallen til fordel for Paris. Og nu når jeg tænker over det, så er det ikke så dårlig en tanke. Jeg føler mig som en der kan elske andet end mig og mig. Og det er rart!

On a hot day in the Scandinavian spring,
I kiss and taste the sweet ones.
Cloying and velvet with such a moist touch.
The kisses: I desire yours.

Jeg some troede jeg altid ville være loyal overfor musikken og festerne, har nu droppet festivallen til fordel for Paris. Og nu når jeg tænker over det, så er det ikke så dårlig en tanke. Jeg føler mig som en der kan elske andet end mig og mig. Og det er rart!

On a hot day in the Scandinavian spring,
I kiss and taste the sweet ones.
Cloying and velvet with such a moist touch.
The kisses: I desire yours.
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